Gift giving guide
Here is a list of gift ideas you might love just as much as I do! I try to shop from companies who are smaller in size versus the larger corporations - not only does giving gifts thoughtfully curated from smaller businesses make for a meaningful gift, but it’s THE most fun experience to receive something that is unique, while supporting a good business and making a difference!
Clothes & Accessories
It's always difficult to choose a gift, especially when clothing is involved and you want to be sneaky about it! E-gift cards are the most environmentally friendly way to go and works well for those higher priced items, so you can contribute to a purchase of a brand that someone really loves but just needs that extra financial help getting! Accessories are also an excellent choice and a bit easier to figure out sizes for without giving it away. Here are our favorite clothing and accessory gifts this season.
Sevilla Smith Gift Card - the most amazing handmade boots!
Cosabella Bralette - beautiful underwear, we love this delicate lace bralette
Knitwin Jacquard Socks-These wool socks from Japan are simply the coziest and most unique looking styles for your tootsies
It Is Well L.A. Scarf- these gauzey scarves are soooo soft!
And lastly, a Pyne & Smith Gift Card (obviously!) - Maybe you know a fellow linen dress lover or all you really want for the holidays is another P&S dress, we have E-gift cards starting at $50 to help!

You can never go wrong with some beautiful ceramic pieces, since handmade pottery is such a luxury to buy many people don't buy it for themselves (or love pottery and can never have enough like me!). We've listed some of our favorite handmade artists below, although some create in such small batches and are often sold out, so it is definitely worth following them and trying to grab something when they restock!
Emma Bridgewater - irresistibly illustrated mugs because no one can have enough mugs, or so I keep telling myself...
Making & Craft kits
DIY Leather Pouch Kit - I've always wanted to work with leather - for the maker in your family, this is the perfect intro into leather working!
Gardening gifts
New to gardening? How about a masterclass to learn about growing your own veggies? We highly recommend Ron Finley's Gardening Masterclass!
Haws Watering Can - either a beautiful indoor copper can or the classic outdoor steel watering can - a delight for gardeners!
Glass Birdcage Terrarium - the most wonderful way to continue gardening through the winter months. This with a gift card to your local garden center would be an actual dream gift for green fingered folks!
Handmade artisanal chocolate truffles - (Literal paradise in a box)
If you’re celebrating Christmas, this suggestion is not really a gift, but a fun, whimsical advent calendar you’ll love! Check it out here on Etsy