Set on a beautiful Greek island during World War 2, this movie is based on the book,'Correlli's Mandolin' by Louis de Bernières. The story follows the relationship of a young doctor and an Italian soldier during the early days of World War 2, when the Italians & Germans invaded the small greek island of Cephalonia.
A visually stunning movie, if you are craving travel, pretty beaches and warm weather, this is a very pleasing movie to watch.
Penelope Cruz plays the young doctor (her outfits involve pinafores over collared dresses - subtly folky, rustic, peasant style dresses.) Christian Bale plays her beloved, who isn’t willing to sit by and watch the Italians & Germans take over his home town, and ends up leaving the island to join resistance fighters in the war. Nicholas Cage plays the Italian Captain Corelli, a trained musician who loves playing the mandolin, and who takes a shine to the young doctor - all the while watched over with an eagle eye by the young doctors father, played by John Hurt.
I love historical movies that are visually inspiring not just for the locations and stories, but also for the costumes. This story inspired me to put together some outfits that felt like they had a touch of vintage, Mediterranean style about them.