I am a naturally curious person and I love the minutiae of someone’s day to day life. How they organize their day, what they are eating (I’m at that phase in my perimenopausal life where I’m counting my fiber intake), do they cook every night, manage to work out, what are they watching, reading, eating and doing?
Here’s my daily grind, documented with some un-instgram worthy pics.
Here’s my daily grind, documented with some un-instgram worthy pics.

Mornings. I wake up around 7 and my cat demands breakfast. After feeding her, it’s straight to coffee. I’m a coffee snob and grind the beans, then use the pour over method. I drink it black, instead of milk or cream, I use hot water to dilute it. (Side note: I changed my eating habits to follow a way of eating which is helping perimenopause symptoms, it’s been over 6 weeks now and I’m feeling 100% better for it.) I fast until 11 a.m. which was challenging for the first 3 weeks but now it feels normal.
I get up around 8 - my youngest is 18 and off to college in September so I don’t have many early mornings anymore. I’ll check my notes for any plans. I use the Notes app extensively, on Sundays I’ll make a list of upcoming things to do for work, it keeps my anxiety at bay and helps me to feel organized.
Today is a Monday so I will be in the P&S office, a 15 min drive away. I’ll prep breakfast to bring with me - whole milk yogurt, berries & chia seeds, and some cheese with a bag of nuts to snack on.
Driving there- I am listening to Young Again with Kirsty Young. I listen to mostly British podcasts, it helps me feel connected to the UK.
Once I get to work, I’ll check my emails and then figure out what I’m doing.
If we have an incoming collection it means checking in dresses, auditing them and working on preparation for the collection. If it’s just a regular day, then I’ll probably be working on marketing and planning the next season.

I’m usually at the office till 1 or 2pm, depending on the season. I’ll head home, make a cup of tea then down to work. I am more creative when I work at home, so this is when I can work on creative marketing, like writing, shooting imagery, videos, planning social media, etc.
After work, around 4-5pm. I’ll try to get out for a daily walk, and I like being close to the ocean if possible. The fresh air and getting away from cars and people is very grounding. I’m trying to do a daily 45 mins brisk walk!
Dinner. I try to cook as much as I can can, and more than likely it’ll be seasoned chicken with something, maybe a large salad or some new potatoes with butter & mint (such excellent boiled potatoes!) and then a treat. Dark chocolate with sea salt and cup of tea, I’ll stop eating by 7.
After dinner, I like to spend time in my garden. My dahlias are looking horrible right now and powdery mildew is my nemesis, which is common here so I monitor that and then work on deadheading flowers to keep the blooms coming.

Lastly, we’ll watch anything British on TV - currently it's 'Professor T' on PBS, but if there's nothing else, my husband and I will play video games - Mario Cart - we are fiercely competitive!
Bedtime is around 10:30 and while to temptation to scroll endlessly on TikTok or Insta is there, I do try and read at least a chapter of something, which is fine if I have a new book! Lights out by 11-ish otherwise I’m a beast the next day.

An unglamorous evening spent knitting, with my cat judging me.